by Ayo Ibiyemi Ayo Ibiyemi 1 Comment


Gumboro disease, also known as Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD), is a highly contagious viral infection that affects the immune system of young chickens, leading to significant economic losses in the poultry industry. Here’s an overview of the disease and how to prevent it:

Gumboro Disease Overview

Gumboro disease is caused by the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV), which targets the bursa of Fabricius, an important immune organ in birds. This results in immunosuppression, making the affected birds more susceptible to other infections.

Depression and lethargy
Ruffled feathers
Swollen or hemorrhagic bursa of Fabricius (upon necropsy)
Increased mortality rates in severe cases
Prevention Measures

Routine Vaccination: Vaccinate chicks using live attenuated or inactivated vaccines according to a schedule recommended by a veterinarian. Vaccination typically starts at 1-3 weeks of age.
Maternal Antibodies: Ensure breeder hens are vaccinated to pass on protective antibodies to their chicks, providing early immunity.

Isolate New Birds: Quarantine new birds before introducing them to your flock to prevent the introduction of IBDV.
Limit Visitors: Restrict access to the poultry house to essential personnel only. Ensure visitors wear protective clothing and footwear.
Sanitation: Regularly clean and disinfect poultry houses, equipment, and transport vehicles to eliminate potential virus reservoirs.
Control Rodents and Wild Birds: Implement measures to prevent these animals from entering the poultry house, as they can carry and spread IBDV.
Environmental Management:

Litter Management: Maintain clean, dry litter to reduce the spread of the virus within the flock.
Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation to reduce stress and improve overall bird health, making them less susceptible to infections.
Health Monitoring:

Regular Health Checks: Conduct regular health assessments of your flock to detect early signs of illness and implement timely interventions.
Surveillance Testing: Regularly test for the presence of IBDV in your flock, especially in areas where the disease is endemic.
Feed and Water Quality:

Clean Water Supply: Provide clean, uncontaminated water at all times. Consider adding disinfectants to the water if necessary.
Nutritious Feed: Ensure a balanced diet to maintain the health and immunity of your birds. Avoid feed contamination with pathogens.

Stay tune for more poultry disease, prevention and treatment.

by Ayo Ibiyemi Ayo Ibiyemi No Comments


Newcastle disease is a contagious viral disease that affects birds, especially poultry, and can cause significant economic losses in the poultry industry. Here’s an overview of its causes, prevention, and management:

Causes: Newcastle disease is caused by the Newcastle disease virus (NDV), which belongs to the Paramyxoviridae family. The virus can infect various species of birds, including chickens, turkeys, pigeons, and wild birds. It spreads through direct contact with infected birds, contaminated feed, water, equipment, or surfaces, as well as through airborne transmission of respiratory droplets.


  1. Vaccination: Vaccination is the most effective method for preventing Newcastle disease in poultry. Vaccines are available in different forms, including live, inactivated, and recombinant vaccines. Proper vaccination protocols should be followed based on the age and type of birds, as well as the risk of Newcastle disease in the region.
  2. Biosecurity Measures: Implementing strict biosecurity measures is essential for preventing the introduction and spread of Newcastle disease on poultry farms. This includes controlling access to the farm, disinfecting equipment and vehicles, practicing good hygiene, and minimizing contact with wild birds and other potential sources of infection.
  3. Quarantine: Quarantine new birds or birds returning from shows or exhibitions to prevent the introduction of Newcastle disease to the flock. Quarantined birds should be monitored for signs of illness before being introduced to the rest of the flock.
  4. Surveillance and Monitoring: Regular surveillance and monitoring for Newcastle disease are important for early detection and prompt response to outbreaks. This includes routine testing of sick or dead birds, as well as monitoring for clinical signs such as respiratory distress, neurological symptoms, and decreased egg production.

Cure: There is no cure for Newcastle disease once birds are infected. Treatment options are limited, and infected birds typically require supportive care, such as maintaining proper nutrition, hydration, and warmth. Sick birds should be isolated from the rest of the flock to prevent the spread of the virus. In severe cases, euthanasia of infected birds may be necessary to prevent further transmission of the disease.

In summary, prevention through vaccination, biosecurity measures, quarantine, and surveillance is key to controlling Newcastle disease in poultry populations. Early detection and prompt response to outbreaks are essential for minimizing the impact of the disease on the poultry industry.